Pierre robin sequence vs treacher collins
Pierre robin sequence vs treacher collins

pierre robin sequence vs treacher collins

All these processes depend on environmental, constitutional and nutritional factors. The formation and growth of bones the hair type eye color tooth formation. The morphological processes of humans are closely related to their genetic load. Several doctrines based on psychology have been studied, and are increasingly gaining acceptance among dentists, in order to reduce the risk of error in their decisions regarding treatment and help deal with the physical conditions, diseases, syndromes, psychological factors previous experiments and specific for each patient (Cruz & Oliveira, 2007).

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However, it is necessary that the professional knows how to deal with fears, anxieties and doubts of each patient, whether these factors are relevant or not, at the time of treatment. It is not uncommon to come across people who believe that the care provided by Dental Surgeons are uniquely geared to the teeth and their pathologies. PALABRAS CLAVE: dysplasia cleidocraneal, disostosis craniofacial, disostosis mandibulofacial. En conclusion, las manifestaciones orales son causas de dificultades del habla, masticación, respiración y la participación social. Los cambios de huesos maxilofaciales y craneofaciales están bien documentados en la literatura, pero los estudios que informaron una asociación entre el tratamiento dental y disostosis son escasos. Se seleccionaron los artículos de las bases de datos Lilacs, PubMed y BIREME, incluyendo los años 2007-2014, y las palabras clave fueron: displasia cleidocraneal, craneofacial mandibulofacial disostosis, disostosis y oral. Debido a sus implicaciones en el campo de la odontología, el objetivo de esta revisión es hablar, a través de la exposición de los factores clínicos y generales, destacando los signos en la cavidad oral. Trastornos autosómicos dominantes que tienen herencia dominante, como la disostosis cleidocraneal, el síndrome craneofacial de Apert, Treacher Collins y acondroplasia tiene características peculiares y similares. RESUMEN: Las enfermedades genéticas se producen debido a un exceso o ausencia de material cromosómico, y la consecuencia de estos cambios se refleja en los cambios morfológicos y fisiológicos. KEY WORDS: cleidocranial dysplasia, craniofacial dysostosis, mandibulofacial dysostosis. In conclusion, Oral pathological manifestations developed cause difficulty in speech, chewing, breathing, social involvement, and in a general perspective, psychological impairment and physical limitations. Alterations of maxillofacial bones and craniofacial are well documented in the literature, but studies reporting an association between treatment odontologic and dysostoses are scarce. Articles were selected from Lilacs, PubMed and Bireme databases, included in the year 2007-2014, and the keywords were: cleidocranial dysplasia, craniofacial dysostosis, mandibulofacial dysostosis, dysostosis and oral.

pierre robin sequence vs treacher collins

Because of their implications in the dental field, the aim of this review is to report on dysostoses, through exposure of general clinical factors and highlighting the signs in the oral cavity. Autosomal disorders, which have dominant inheritance, as cleidocranial dysostosis, Craniofacial syndrome Apert, Treacher Collins and Achondroplasia have peculiar and similar characteristics. ***** Departament of Patients with Special Needs, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Pará, Pará, Brazil.ĪBSTRACT: Genetic disorders occur by excess or absence of chromosomal material, and the consequence of these changes is reflected in morphological and physiological changes. **** Departament of Periodontology, School of Dentistry, University Center of Pará, Pará, Brazil. *** Departament of Oral Pathology, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Pará, Pará, Brazil. ** Departament of Restorative Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Pará, Belém, Brazil. * Undergraduate student School of Dentistry, Federal University of Pará, Belém, Brazil. Trastornos Autosómicos Dominantes: Una Revisión de los Conocimientosīrenna Magdalena Lima Nogueira* Tayana Nascimento da Silva* Bárbara Catarina Lima Nogueira** Walessa Brasil da Silva*** Silvio Augusto Fernandes de Menezes**** & Tatiany Oliveira de Alencar Menezes***** Genetic Autosomal Dominant Disorders: A Knowledge Review

Pierre robin sequence vs treacher collins